16 Juicing Tips for Your Daily Life

Lesser Known Juicing Tips to Make Your Daily Glass More Exciting Than Ever

Juicing or consuming fruit and or vegetable juices as the chief component of your meals isn’t just a health fad. It has indeed been found to work wonders for overall well being and is a convenient, hassle-free wellness concept that anybody can abide by in their daily lives.

We have compiled some tips from experienced juicers so that you can get the most out of your juicing experience and enjoy till the very last drop.

Prep your ingredients beforehand

Clean fruits and vegetables, wash thoroughly and peel them before you start juicing. Having ingredients ready at hand saves a lot of time. If you plan to have the juice for breakfast you can even prep the ingredients and keep them in the refrigerator the night before.

Cut produce before juicing them

Chop the ingredients into small pieces before you put them in a juicer to get extract the most juice. While some juicers can handle big chunks, most work better with smaller pieces.

Rid fruits of pits

When juicing edibles like oranges, grapes, berries, etc it is always best to get rid of the pits to ensure your juice taste good and also the juicer isn’t harmed in any way because solid pits are not meant to be put in the machine.

Drink it fresh

Drink your juice fresh, at most within 15 minutes of extracting it to derive the maximum nutrition. Most fruits and vegetables start losing nutrients if stored for too long and that defeats the whole purpose of consuming fresh juices.

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Store juices in glass containers

Glass containers do not leach harmful chemicals into food stored in them like plastic containers do. So instead of storing your fresh juices in plastic bottles or shakers, put them in glass bottles to ensure they last longer.

Line the pulp basket

Line the pulp basket of your juicer with a paper towel to make it easier to clean after juicing. If you buy a centrifugal juicer, they generally generate more pulp and using this tip is worthwhile. In case of masticating juicers, which are more expensive, they leave less pulp but nonetheless should be handled with care.

Clean your juicer thoroughly

Make it a habit to clean your juicer as soon as you are done using it. It is easier to wash off residue when it’s fresh rather than after it has been allowed to sit for a while and has dried onto sides of the juicer. Also, the next round of juices will taste funny if you don’t clean your juicer after making this round. Moreover, it’s plain unhygienic.

Put the residual pulp to use

Don’t throw away the pulp left after juicing fruits and vegetables. You can use them as puree to make soups, sometimes pancakes from vegetable residues like pumpkin or potatoes; or you can even use it as natural compost for your garden.

Not all fruits are well suited to juicing

Some fruits like berries and bananas are better consumed as smoothies or shakes because you can’t extract much juice from them even if you use good juicers. They turn to pulp and become mushy.

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Balance fruit and vegetable juices in your schedule

Have a well-balanced mix of fruit and vegetable juices to ensure you are getting all the necessary nutrition.

Don’t mix too many ingredients

Putting too many fruits and/or vegetables in one juice doesn’t always taste nice so be careful about what you blend together.

Don’t juice too many things at one go

Have patience and do not overstuff your juicer. Put in the ingredients a little at a time to ensure you extract the most possible quantity of juice.

Go from soft to hard ingredients

When you have a combination of ingredients, juice the softest like berries and oranges first, then move on to harder ingredients like apples, pears or pineapples.

Use some ginger and lemon for a little zing

When having vegetable juices, add a little bit of ginger to the greens for some extra flavour and see the difference in taste it produces. Also, you can try squeezing in a few drops of fresh lemon juice for a tangy aftertaste.

Roll up leafy greens

Roll up leafy vegetables like spinach or lettuce in tight bundles before putting them in the juicer to extract the most out of them.

No carrot tops

While most green vegetables and leafs are great additions to your juices steer clear of the carrot tops – the green steps and leafs sprouting out on carrots – for they are not healthy, say many experts and actually contain ingredients and toxins that can cause harm to the human body.