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Feeling lethargic after a big meal, being constipated, or having diarrhea—what do all these have in common? They’ll all forms of digestive distress. When your gut health isn’t up to par, you feel less than your best. Read on for tips on how to improve your gut health.

Add More Fresh Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet

Your body needs digestive enzymes to process the food you eat. While it makes some on its own, it also gets them from other sources. Fresh, raw fruits and veggies are a great source of digestive enzymes. Plus, by filling your diet with fresh fruits and veggies, you eliminate some of the processed foods that might be leaving your body feeling subpar in the first place. This is important to remember at all times.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics increase the good bacteria in your gut. This bacteria also helps you digest your food and many people don’t have enough of it. Antibiotic use kills off both good and bad bacteria. A candida (yeast) overgrowth also throws the balance of bacteria out of whack and leaves you with tummy troubles. A good probiotic can help increase the good bacteria and bring your gut back into balance.

Add Some Fermented Digestive Enzyme Supplements

As previously mentioned, your body needs digestive enzymes to process your food. Despite what many commonly believe, digestive enzymes and probiotics are not the same thing. They perform different functions and come from different sources. Fresh fruits and veggies are a good source of digestive enzymes, but you can only eat so much. Supplementing with a quality fermented enzyme supplement can increase your enzymes without making you feel like you’re constantly forcing more food down your throat. They’ll also make it easier to process the food you do eat, which will make you feel better after eating.

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Spice up Your Life

Adding certain spices to your diet can also increase your digestive enzymes. Spices such as curcumin, black pepper, ginger, fenugreek, capsaicin, cumin, mustard, and asafetida are great additions to your spice cabinet to help with enzyme production.

Feeling like you’re pregnant with a “food baby” after a meal, or suffering from cramps or other digestive issues doesn’t have to be a way of life. With a few tweaks to your diet and some simple supplementation, you can feel better about eating and spend less time dealing with tummy upset.