If we were to believe social stereo types, all men ever think about is sex. This can put a lot of pressure on men, because contrary to popular beliefs, men are not always thinking about sex, and they are not always willing to engage in intercourse. While it is quite normal for a man to not be in the mood all the time, when a low libido is experienced over extended periods of time, it could be caused by a serious problem. This topic may be unpleasant for most men, but if you are dealing with a low sex drive, you need to discover what is causing it, and deal with the problem as soon as possible.

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Contextual factors that decrease men’s libido

o   Relationship problems

Frequent fights, a lack of intimacy, routine or sexual rejections are some of the most common relationship problems which can decrease sexual desire for men. Usually these types of problems can be resolved by communicating with the partner, and putting some effort into bringing back the harmony and the chemistry in the relationship.

o   Parenting

Parenting takes a lot of hard work, and as beautiful as this process is, it changes the relationship between a couple. Less privacy, more stress and less free time make it more challenging for men to be as interested in sex, as they were before they had kids. In these situations, it helps if both partners make an effort to make sex a priority. Date nights and romantic escapades are great ways to remember that aside from being parents, two partners are also humans with sexual and romantic needs and desires.

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o   Daily stress

Whether it is work related or personal, daily stress can have a big impact on a man’s libido. Stress also tends to create hormonal unbalances, which in turn leads to a decreased sexual desire. Each individual can have different ways to relieve stress, but it is important to make a conscious effort to relax and have some fun from time to time.

Medical factors that affect sexual desire in men

o   Low testosterone

A man’s testosterone levels will vary throughout his life, peaking during puberty and young adulthood, and decreasing as a natural part of aging. However, aside from aging, testosterone levels can also drop on account on various lifestyle choices (obesity or lack of physical activity) or unhealthy habits (alcohol or drug abuse) and much more. Usually, fixing the unhealthy lifestyle habits can also bring testosterone levels back to normal. However, it is also possible for the hormones to be low on account of medical problems. In these situations, the best solution is testosterone replacement therapy. For a comfortable and efficient therapy, consider GameDay Men’s Health, the best clinic in San Diego for low testosterone problems.

o   Medications

Numerous medications can affect testosterone levels, which in turn leads to low sexual desire. The most common medications associated with these problems are blood pressure medications like beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors, as well as antidepressants. Now only can these medications lower sexual desire for men, but they can also reduce erections and prevent ejaculations.

o   Chronic illnesses

Any type of illness is likely to reduce a men’s libido, mainly due to the stress that it puts on them. Illnesses that severely lower the immunity can also cause low sexual desire. A weak body is likely to prioritize its most important functions, and sexual desire will be the last on the list of priorities.

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o   Sleeping disorders

From insomnia, to sleep apnea or any types of unnatural sleep patterns can lower testosterone levels, leading to lower sexual desire.

o   Depression

Depression manifests itself through complete lack of interest in daily activities, and this includes everything from routine tasks to activities that were once exciting, such as sex.

As far as medical problems are concerned, lifestyle changes or testosterone replacement therapy will only be a temporary solution, as the real problem won’t disappear until the medical issues are resolved.