The blogging industry has been expanding through the years. Because of wireless connections and different gadgets, people can easily produce content, post it online and earn. The more readers, the more income a blogger has. This trend and your passion for writing motivated you to start your own health blog. You think that among all of the niches you can possibly write about, a health blog can be relatable to most readers. This can also serve as your avenue to help different people. And while you might have all the reasons to start a health blog of your own, you’re still clueless on how to start. Let this article help you:

as1.) Decide who you’re talking to: One of the main goals of being a blogger is to gain loyal readers. And when you’re a neophyte in the industry, you might think you can achieve that by writing content for every audience. If you want your health blog to be a success, don’t do this. You should determine who you’re talking to and produce content which is especially written for them. If you want to cater to young professionals, you can write content which involves easy meal preparations or exercises which can be done in the workplace. Deciding who your target audience is will not only help you decide what to write but you’ll also be able to establish yourself as an expert in one area

2.) Don’t be afraid to be annoying: No one likes to be annoyed. However, your health blog can’t become a success if you just sit in one corner and wait until readers arrive in your blog. Reach out to your target audience by posting content daily on every social media platform. Do it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even LinkedIn. This should be your routine whenever you come up with new content.

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3.) Be consistent about posting: You can never gain readers if you post content only when you feel like it. If you’re inconsistent with when you’re posting content, readers might be tired of waiting – and it won’t be long before they’ll unsubscribe or unfollow your health blog. Prevent this from happening by planning out your content. Decide what you’re going to write at least a month prior. Schedule specific days in a week and solely dedicate these days for writing. If you’re going on a vacation soon, produce content in advance to cover that time period. You want your readers to be engaged in your health blog all the time.

aa 24.) Tell it like only you can: With the number of health bloggers out there, standing out can become a challenge. Regardless of the topic you’re going to write, chances are, a blogger has already talked about the exact thing. You can differentiate yourself from other bloggers by being yourself. If you want to write about “simple exercises you can do in bed” (for sure, there are already many blogs with this topic), add in your experience or lighten up a tone a bit. Don’t be afraid to inject humor in your health blog. This might be unconventional but this can become the reason why readers will subscribe to your health blog.

5.) Kill them with kindness: For some readers, your efforts as a blogger will never be enough. Even if you spent hours researching about a particular topic, your blog can still gain negative comments. Status quo would tell you that this happens and as a blogger, you should be prepared for it. Instead of commenting back to negative comments, kill them with kindness. Don’t answer back and respect their comments. If someone commented on how they’ve gained weight because of a meal plan you wrote about, you can respond by telling them: “Hi (name of reader), our bodies are beautiful in different ways. What works for some, might not work for others.” This is a simple response which will not invite any further discussion.

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Ask Help From The Pros

Starting a health blog of your own can be challenging. You have to do a lot of things so your efforts in writing and posting content online won’t become worthless. Aside from the time and effort you’ll put into your health blog, consider asking help from professionals. Studio 56, for example, can provide solutions for your website and blogging needs. Good luck with starting your health blog.


a 2Tristan Gray

Tristan is a digital marketing specialist and the founder of Studio 56. With years of experience in the digital marketing field and business world, Tristan prides himself on delivering high-quality marketing services to clients in the Allied Health sector. S56 specializes in partnering with Allied Health practices to boost their overall ROI. He has a loving family and enjoys traveling in his free time.