5 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Collagen

In order to look it’s best and stays healthy, our skin needs its collagen. Collagen is a protein that works to keep wrinkles at bay and allows the skin to remain youthful and firm. However, despite the body’s need for collagen, as we age, our collagen levels begin to deplete.

Increasing Collagen

It’s no surprise that the more we age, the more our skin needs extra attention. With collagen, especially, this skin begins to look more fragile and thinner as collagen productions begin to slow. If you’re wondering how to boost your collagen in a natural way, follow these five tips.

1. Try a Facial Massage

Massages often stimulate the production of collagen and can work to increase muscle memory. The stimulation from regular facial massages can tighten and tone the skin, improve blood circulation, and tighten the skin, as well as add to the amount of collagen in your skin.

2. Look into Collagen Creams and Supplements

Collagen won’t penetrate the skin, but instead, sits at the surface of your skin. This is why any collagen creams need to have collagen amino acids small enough to penetrate into the layers in the dermis. Collagen supplements, on the other hand, are a pill alternative that works to encourage a plumping effect in the skin.

3. Your Diet is Directly Linked to Your Skin

The best foods for collagen productions are garlic, cabbage, and beans. Rich in sulfur, these foods are an excellent option for maintaining the skin’s pigmentation and levels of collagen. Similarly, turn to Vitamin C with foods like kiwi, goji berries, broccoli, and spinach.

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4. Stop Smoking and Stop Eating Sugar

Smoking works to eliminate collagen in the skin. The habit of smoking ages skin and restricts blood flow throughout the body. This is why smoking leads to the wrinkled or leathery skin.

In addition to quitting smoking to improve the level of collagen in your body, taking a break from sugar can work to increase collagen production as well. The glucose in sugar can attach itself permanently to collagen, causing it to become weighed down, and inflexible, ultimately leading to aging skin.

5. Strive for Higher Hydration

Hydration isn’t just to quench your thirst. By consuming the proper amount of water, you’ll be able to keep your skin hydrated as well. With moisturized skin, you’ll be able to encourage the production of elastin and collagen, as well as maintain your skin’s current health.

Just as drinking water regularly can improve your health and levels of collagen, it is important to keep your skin hydrated with lotion and oils. By regularly moisturizing your skin with protective products you can prevent any excessive dryness as well as the potentially damaging UV rays from sunlight.

Skincare is an important part of maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Take a minute to understand how collagen works, as well as the body’s need for it. Use these five tips to get ensure that you’re properly caring for the collagen in your skin.

About the Author:

Trysh Sutton is a wife, mother, attorney, interior decorator, strategic leader and owner of Pure Path Essential Oils. She has an eye for business, innovation and perfection – and a desire to help her family, her friends and herself live a healthy and happy life.

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