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The primary purpose of your home is to shelter you from the elements and to protect you from various other dangers. Your home is comprised of numerous systems and components that each perform specific functions to promote your safety, well-being, and comfort. However, some issues on the exterior of your house may go unnoticed, and they can have an adverse effect on your health. These are some possible exterior problems to focus your attention on.

Gutter Damage

The primary purpose of gutters is to collect water from the top of the home and to channel it away in a controlled manner. When gutters are clogged or damaged in other ways, the water may seep into the home. If this happens, wood rot and mold growth may develop. Mold can cause an allergic response, flu-like symptoms and more in your home’s occupants. Because the mold growth may go unnoticed for a lengthy period of time, this situation may have a long-term effect on you and your loved ones. Scheduling gutter repairs at the first sign of damage is important.

Leaking Door and Window Seals

The seals on your doors and windows are designed to be a moisture-proof, airtight barrier that insulates and protects your home. These seals can deteriorate within a year or two in some instances, so re-sealing doors and windows is a regular step in home maintenance. When you fail to take this step, you may be allowing allergens into your home. You may also introduce high levels of humidity, which could lead to mold growth in some instances. Re-sealing doors and windows is an easy project that many homeowners can complete on their own.

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Roof Damage

While serious roof damage is difficult to miss, minor damage may be less obvious. However, even one small leak in the roof could lead to a pest infestation as well as water damage and mold growth. Because roof damage may not be obvious, scheduling a roof inspection annually is a smart idea. You can also periodically walk through your attic to look for signs of damage. Even the smallest area of damage should be repaired as soon as possible. In addition to potentially affecting your health, a small area of damage can easily lead to major damage with significant consequences.

Keeping your home well-maintained is essential in order to create the safest and securest shelter possible. With this in mind, now is a great time to inspect all aspects of your home’s exterior and to make repairs as needed.