A Fruit a Day Can Make Doctors Away! There is More Than Just Apple

A renowned phrase goes something like “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but fortunately, apple is not the only fruit to take all the credit as there are tons of other fruits that are healthy in so many ways. Fruits that have the tendency to fight against diseases should be available in everyone’s kitchens, especially for those who are suffering with some sort of sickness. Making these fruits a part of your daily diet will give you so many health benefits and inner empowerment. Written below are some of the healthy fruits and their nutritious specialties that can alter people’s unhealthy lifestyle to a healthy one in so many ways.

  • Oranges

Oranges are rich with Vitamin C, which means they can provide staggering security to your immune system, boost it well to fight off diseases, and provide overall greater antioxidant fortification. On the other hand, Oranges are also considered as fighters against cancer. Apart from having Vitamin C as their main charm, these tangy fruits also contain calcium, potassium, folate, many B vitamins, as well as a great deal of fibers.

  • Papayas

Add papaya in your diet and it will protect you against colon cancer and manage the proper health of your cardiovascular system. This vitamin C loaded fruit can be as small as 7 inches to be as big as 20 inches depending on availability. The papain enzyme existing in papaya helps in protein digestion as well as utilized in meat tenderizer. This enzyme can also be used to treat injuries and allergies. About 118 calories are present in one papaya with folate, potassium, lots of Vitamin C and Vitamin A and E.

  • Pomegranate
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Pomegranate houses powerful compounds and nutrition that are scientifically proven to fight off a great number of diseases. Considered as one of the oldest fruit, pomegranate enfolds punicalagin that prevents heart diseases and benefits blood vessels. The outer hard surface of this fruits wraps up red juicy seeds which are only edible. It melts atherosclerosis (heart blockage) and lowers cholesterol level in body.

  • Cranberry and Raspberry

Both cranberries and raspberries are known to be hold great health benefits like all other berries. Cranberries are renowned to be productive when it comes to urinary tract infections, whereas raspberries help in decreasing the risks of fatty liver and obesity. Cranberries are also known to help in recovery from strokes as well as improving cholesterol level in blood; while on the other hand, raspberries are known to fight off cancer of breast, esophageal, cervical, and colon.

  • Guava

Although Guava contains low fats and calories, it is still rich with antioxidant Vitamin C, antioxidant polyphenolic compound, Vitamin A and minerals. Health benefits of guava include weight loss, cancer prevention, anti-aging factor, healthy skin, fight against constipation and diarrhea, as well as thyroid health. It is also healthy for people suffering from diabetes as the high fiber present in guava helps to manage the absorption of glucose and prevents decrease of insulin in body.

The list doesn’t end here as more and more fruits are scientifically proved to have eternal health benefits for people of all ages. Mango, Acai, tomatoes, carambola, pears, grape fruits, passion fruits, and many more come under the category of healthy fruits with everlasting advantages. Therefore, aside from keeping apple and bananas in your diet, adding the aforementioned fruits and some organic dried fruits will bless you with a healthier and happier life.

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