There have been many instances medical technologies have gone wrong! One of the famous names is the IVC filter technology. Simply put, an IVC is known as the “Inferior Vena Cava” that is the central vein which runs from your lower body right to your heart. It carries deoxygenated blood. And it’s the vena cava veins that transfers this deoxygenated blood directly to the right atrium of the human heart, where the blood gets oxygenated and gets sent back to our body. It is true that the IVC is a vitally essential vein that is within the body. Also, when there are issues, this vein can be life-threatening.

Understanding an IVC Filter

Ailments like pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis are critical and life-threatening conditions. Hence, it’s not a wonder that medical technology had come up with a device that can avert death in such extreme medical conditions.

Simply put, an IVC Filter is a tiny metal cone-shaped device that is located at the inferior Vena Cava! Doctors insert it surgically using a vein right inside the neck. This filter enables the blood to flow freely. The filter was designed with the intention of capturing a blood clot that can move through an inferior vena cava. Right, when the IVC filter gets hold of these blood clots, averts the blood clot from passing via the lungs and it can prevent the chances of pulmonary embolism. When it was launched in the market, the filters became very popular. Estimates say that close to 250,000 people get IVC filter implanted in their bodies almost every year. However, that is not all. Today, we also hear about few IVC filter complications.

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The issues with IVC Filters

The IVC filter was designed in a way that it would be put at a specific location close to the inferior vena cava. It was intended to stay right there. However, the filters have shown a high chance to migrate alongside the inferior vena cava and sometimes directly to the heart. Medical equipment that has spikes isn’t suitable for the human heart.

Furthermore, these filters also have the chance to break apart! The filter is made with a very slim metal fingers or spikes. Additionally, some patients reported breakage of the spikes. There have been instances of surgeons removing the IVC filters where they have found one or single spike missing. It means that these spikes usually float in the blood vessels, heart, and lungs of the patient. In certain situations, doctors can’t retrieve the IVC filter via a surgery. There’s also a chance that the filter might rotate or take a turn. In such a case, it is utterly useless for capturing blood clots. On the contrary, it leads to complications in the blood vessel. In such a situation it is capable of doing more harm than benefit to the people who opt-in for IVC filter for relief and remedy.

Today, researchers are doing ample studies on IVC filters and its complications. The medical practitioners are trying to come up with advanced solutions to put an end to these issues related to the usage of IVC filters.