In the fast-paced world of today, it’s only natural that we feel tired now and then. However, at some point, being worn stops being a natural, passing state and may turn into a cause for concern.

Fatigue is different from just feeling tired. It resembles the feeling you would have if you go down with a cold, only it doesn’t go away. While it may relate to lifestyle factors, such as a lack or excess of physical activity, there are also conditions that cause it. 

If your lifestyle is healthy and you still experience fatigue, you should check for other possible agents. Today, we will go over some of the most common conditions that lead to fatigue. We’ll also look at ways to deal with it, on your own or with professional help.



Allergies are common conditions that almost everyone has experienced. They are also a common cause of fatigue, especially in springtime. Luckily, this is one of the most straightforward conditions to treat and manage after you receive a diagnosis.

In general, the best way to reduce the symptoms is by avoiding your allergen – which you will learn about in a doctor’s appointment. You will also get prescribed medication. Most often, these include steroids and antihistamines, which reduce the nasty symptoms.

If you already take your prescription but feel your symptoms become stronger with time, you need something stronger. At this point, you could consider shots of immunotherapy, which is a more invasive procedure but helps with severe cases.


Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety in themselves are exasperating illnesses. Fatigue is a textbook symptom people experience. 

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These problems tend to have devastating effects on sleep and eating habits. They also tend to cause sedentarism. Essentially, these ailments lead to decreased energy levels overall.

If you notice symptoms of depression or anxiety in yourself, talk to your doctor. They will refer you to a psychiatrist. Then, you might get medication, psychotherapy, or both. These approaches help relieve the symptoms.


Hormonal Imbalances

Changes in your hormone levels are natural during your life. They occur as you get older, change your lifestyle, and even when you change certain medications. However, a hormonal imbalance can disrupt normal functions of your body and impair its sleeping, among other things. Two vital hormones play a role in this area.

First, low levels of progesterone can make it difficult for a person to fall asleep. Even if they do doze off, maintaining a night of rest is a struggle. Lack of progesterone can also lead to hot flashes and problems in focus throughout the day.

Another significant factor is your thyroid gland. If it doesn’t produce enough of the thyroid hormone, you will experience low energy levels.


Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a common occurrence, but sleep apnea is more than just regular snoring. People with this disorder experience impaired breathing while they snore. 

This results in low levels of oxygen in the blood because not enough air ends up in the lungs. If you experience chronic fatigue, this could be the reason for it.

If you get diagnosed, be mindful of your weight and stop smoking if you’re a smoker. These two factors can better or worsen the condition quite a bit. Also, you could try sleeping on your side to relieve it in milder cases.

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Type 2 Diabetes 

Type 2 diabetes is now a common disease all over the world. Luckily, it is efficiently managed in most cases with the right guidance from your doctor. If you experience symptoms such as weight loss without effort, increased hunger and thirst, and chronic fatigue, you should have yourself tested.

Once diagnosed, you may get insulin medication. Other lifestyle changes will include weight loss, following a suitable diet (most often one with a low glycemic index), and increasing physical activity. By keeping a healthy lifestyle, your symptoms should decrease over time.


The Bottom Line

You should seek some form of assistance for all of these disorders if you suspect you suffer from any of them. Many are able to evolve into more severe cases with time. There’s no reason for your everyday life to suffer due to an underlying condition.