Life comes at us fast, and at times, it doesn’t allow us to fix things that didn’t go as planned the first time. Fortunately, cosmetic surgery has been innovative in finding new ways to change how we look and even revise the changes further when they don’t match our desires. Revision rhinoplasty is one such procedure aimed at redoing an initial nose job.


Rhinoplasty, whose street name is a nose job, is a cosmetic or medical procedure that changes the appearance, size, or shape of the nose. Unfortunately, not all that starts well ends well. Here’s where revision rhinoplasty comes in. Revision rhinoplasty procedures address correcting the misdoings of an original rhinoplasty surgery. With most patients, there has been a significant concern about the healing process after a revision rhinoplasty. We will tackle into detail what it’s like to go through a revision rhinoplasty.




What are the common reasons for revision rhinoplasty?

Various issues may result from a botched rhinoplasty. They can either be cosmetic or functional and, in some cases, both. They include:

  • Functional: the appearance of the nose could be normal but malfunctioned. Functional issues may include collapsed nasal cartilage and obstructed nasal airways.
  • Cosmetic: you may feel that your nose functions well, but its appearance doesn’t satisfy your desires. Cosmetic abnormalities include having a pinched tip, an asymmetrical nose, an unnatural appearance, or an incomplete nose shape.
  • A combination of cosmetic and function: when the nose job results in a nose that neither looks good nor functions well, you might need it revised.

What is recovery from revision rhinoplasty like when compared to the initial procedure?

Many patients are concerned about the healing process of a revision procedure after enduring months of healing from initial rhinoplasty surgery. An operated nose is already compromised to a certain degree, which makes healing from a revision procedure, a bit more complex compared to the initial nose job. Here’s what to expect.

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The period immediately after the revision nose job

A standard revision rhinoplasty surgery lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours, depending on its complexity. The more complex the procedure, the longer it takes. Most patients manage to go home on the same day after the procedure. The good news is you are already familiar with the process, and it shouldn’t be difficult. The revision surgery may yield less bruising and swelling, depending on the amount of cartilage restructuring. Nonetheless, expect eye swelling, some bruising, and slight bleeding. Your cosmetic surgeon will instruct you to use a drip pad and a regimen of nasal care to help you get through the first day.


2 to 4 days after revision surgery

According to reports and feedback, most patients experience a relatively lower degree of pain during the healing period immediately after a revision nose job surgery. Many describe the pain as a three or a four on a scale of 1-10 that typically manifests in the form of pressure rather than sharp pain felt in initial rhinoplasty procedures. You may experience the following:

  • Difficulty breathing through the nose.
  • Nausea from the general aesthetic.
  • Loss of taste and smell abilities.


These side effects usually are moderate when compared to the initial surgery and will subside over time. Your cosmetic surgeon might recommend pain medication for the inflammation. You are discouraged from participating in vigorous physical activities and duties involving bending or putting pressure on your nose.




Period from day 5 to 7 after revision rhinoplasty

Your cosmetic surgeon may request you to return to the clinic seven days after the surgical procedure to remove your splint and stitches. The bruising and swelling should tone down by day five such that it’s not evident that you had surgery. Avoid tampering with your wounds, rubbing and bumping your nose. You don’t want another revision nose job at this point. You are also advised to avoid strenuous physical activities until you recover fully after about eight weeks. When compared to the initial rhinoplasty, on day seven, you should be healing quite well.

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Day 8 through day 14 after surgery

By the tenth day, your bruising and swelling should have faded completely. Patients who undergo simple revisions take even fewer days to heal completely before the 10th date. Smokers might take longer for the bruising to fade away entirely, sometimes up to 3 weeks. At this point, your cosmetic surgeon may recommend going slow on the irrigation and nasal care. While first-time nose job patients may be able to return to work after one week of rest, revision nose job patients are recommended to take up to two weeks off in the case you might need multiple or extensive procedures.


Day 15 to 30 after surgery

After fourteen days, most patients can resume regular routines regardless of whether it’s a first-time nose job or a revision surgery. While the swelling should have subsided by the 15th day, your nose will continue to heal and take shape over time.


Up to 1-year recovery

It usually takes up to one year or more for the nose job to finally settle to its last appearance, size, and shape.


Generally, the healing process for a revision surgery is similar to that of a first-time nose job. The pain and healing speed varies from person to person. This piece should address all your concerns over the recovery period after a revision rhinoplasty. If you feel that you need your nose job revised, you already have enough reasons to immediately get one done.