Homemade Facial Scrubs For Glowing Skin

Tired skin can be polished with a combination of exfoliating beads and particles and also creamy ingredients that stem from the commonly used items in your fridge and pantry. Everything that people need for reviving their complexion after a long day of hard work can be found in the homemade face scrubs. It is very easy for everyone to make a homemade scrub instead of using the chemical scrubs available in the market and bring a natural grow to their skin with the nourishing scrub. Discussed below are some of the common homemade scrubs you can try for improving your facial appearance:

Honey Scrub and Rolled Oats

An exfoliating and moisturizing scrub can be made by using rolled oats, honey and some other ingredients. Take a food processor or coffee grinder for grinding ½ rolled oats cup into smaller particles. The grinded oats should be poured in a bowl and 1/3 cup of sunflower seeds, ½ teaspoon of peppermint leaves and 4 tablespoon of almond meal should then be grinded. The dried ingredients should be saved in a bowl for later use. 2 teaspoon of heavy cream and 2 teaspoon of mixed dried ingredients should be added when you are ready to give yourself the beauty treatment. The mixture should be applied on clean skin and the face and neck should be scrubbed properly. Let the scrub sink into the skin for 5 minutes before rinsing it off.

Egg, Almond and Honey Scrub

A simple face scrub can be created by using honey, eggs and a few silvered almonds. Use a food processor for grinding 2 tablespoon of silvered almonds into smaller particles. 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 eggs should be added to a bowl and the small particles of almonds should also be poured in it. The ingredients should be mixed together properly and then applied onto clean skin. The face can be rinsed off after the scrub has been applied for about a minute or two.

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Honey, Lavender and Milk, Salt Scrub

A combination of honey, milk, lavender and a few other beauty essentials can be used for refreshing the face. Take a bowl and add ¼ cup of fine salt in it. Now add 2 tablespoon honey, 2 tablespoon of dehydrated milk, 2 teaspoon water, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 1/3 cup of sweet almond oil. The mixture should be applied to the face when taking a warm shower. Dead skin can be eliminated and a glow can be achieved with the help of this mixture.

Cucumber, Yogurt and Coffee Grinds Scrub

Coffee grinds, cucumber and yogurt can be used by people for creating their own facial scrub that can benefit the skin. When you apply the yogurt on your face, it will give a more refreshing feel if it has been chilled in the fridge so don’t forget to do that. ½ cup of plain yogurt, ½ teaspoon honey, 1 tablespoon coffee grinds and one chopped cucumber should be placed in a food processor. The skin will be scrubbed by the coffee grinds while the yogurt will be the base.