Nowadays, around 30 million men in the world are suffering from the problem of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) especially men over 40 in age. ED is one type of se11ual disorder in men in which they can’t able to get a proper erection while doing foreplay with their partner or se11ualy aroused. Due to lower blood flow in particular areas of the body men face the problem of erection disorder. There are many reasons which cause Erectile Dysfunction or impotence in men. Men over 40 in age are mostly suffering from this problem due to different types of physical and psychological health issues. Along with that, men who regularly consume alcohol and smoking; these men face the problem of ED at some point of age. However, there are various types of treatments and medications are available that will provide you the best results in a short duration but before using such type of treatment or medication you should always consult your doctor.

Medication treatment is one of the common and effective ways to treat or prevent ED problems in men so most of the men always prefer to use medicine while having the problem of erectile disorder. In this regard, Sildenafil (Viagra) is one type of drug or supplement that is commonly used to cure the problem of impotence or ED in men. It relaxes the muscles of blood vessels and increases the blood flow in the vessels in particular areas of the body so that you will find a proper erection when you are se11ualy aroused. Along with that, you will get various types of benefits if you are taking this drug for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction in men.

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Benefits of Sildenafil citrate

  • Sildenafil citrate in Cenforce 200 mg is one the best medication to treat or prevent ED in men as they provide the safest and fastest results.
  • If you are consuming Sildenafil, you will get a high level of stamina power while doing foreplay with your partner.
  • Men of any group of age can take this medicine to cure the problem of impotence but not less than the age of 18.
  •  As compared to other drugs in the market Sildenafil is available at a lower price so one can easily buy this drug at the best price.
  • One can easily find this medicine at different medical stores and online pharmacies so without any hassle you can get sildenafil drug.

As we all know that medicine offers different types of side effects but if you are properly taking the medicine you will face lower side effect or not.  Many men consume overdose of this medicine due to that these men have to suffer from the problem of serious side effects and find different types of losses. 

Losses of Sildenafil citrate

  • Men who consume overdose of this medicine find sudden decreased vision in one or both eyes.
  • Sometimes after taking this medicine, many men get a painful or prolonged erection so before taking this medicine you should consult your doctor.
  • Many men consume alcohol while taking this medicine to cure the problems of ED so they get inverse results of this medicine.
  • Men who have allergic to Sildenafil should not this medicine otherwise get different types of side effects in the body which may cause serious losses.
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Thus, for the best result you should always follow the conditions of this medicine. To avoid serious side effects in the body men should know the proper way to take the medicine so that they can find the best results without having any type of problems. Along with that, many beginners don’t know how to use this medicine to cure the problems of ED so sometimes they have to suffer from the problem of different types of side effects.

How to use Sildenafil citrate?

If you are using or planning to use this medicine for the treatment of ED or impotence then you should know some point which may help you to avoid getting different types of side effects. After taking this medicine you should avoid alcohol to get the best results in a short duration. Men should take one pill in a day as this medicine effects sustain up to 6 to 7 hours. Along with that, men who are suffering from the problem of serious health issues like heart diseases, kidney diseases and many more then you should avoid this medicine. 

Sildenafil work rapidly thus, men should take this medicine 1hour before se11ual activity so that you will find long-lasting results with your partner. Men who are over the age of 40 to 45 should start their dose with minimal as many men around this age suffer from different types of health issues. If you can’t able to find the best results with minimal dose then you should consult your doctor for the best doses according to your body requirements.

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