
Life is unpredictable and, especially now, the future is uncertain. Unfortunately, stress, emotional disbalance, and uncertainty can cause, among many other problems, burnout.

What is the burnout syndrome and what are some prevention steps? Experience shared by Psychiatrist & Psychotherapy Specialist in Hypnotherapy Dr. Dace Simsone who works at “Dzintari”, partner clinic of Health Travel Latvia – a popular medical tourism destination for patients all over the world.

Burnout Syndrome – Complex Diagnosis

Study of the human brain and emotions is a complex medical branch; it is difficult to set one precise definition, but the most commonly accepted belief is that the burnout syndrome is caused by a combination of both internal and external factors:

  • Internal factors – inability to deal with emotions.
  • External factors – inability to deal with everyday life events (work and personal life).

“It is important to be aware that those who suffer from this syndrome most are professionals who directly work with people – in healthcare, social sector, police officers, emergency workers, etc.” says Dr. Simsone.

Recognizing Burnout Syndrome’s Symptoms

Dr. Simsone has worked with curing burnout in patients all over the world who have chosen Latvia as their medical tourism destination. Regardless of the place of residence, the burnout syndrome’s symptoms are quite apparent and visible not only to doctors but also to family and friends.


Signs that a person might be suffering from burnout

  • Constant emotional or physical tiredness.
  • Lack of motivation, irritation, cynicism focussing on the negative.
  • Loss of satisfaction, feelings of being useless, losing trust in oneself.
  • Interaction problems – conflicts and distancing.
  • Lack of care about one’s health, sleep, and hygiene.
  • Increased use of alcohol, sleep medication.
  • Health problems.
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Burnout is a psychological change, yet it directly impacts the physical aspect, which means that the individual may, at worst, ruin friendships, break family ties, lose a job, etc.


Frequent Causes of Burnout Syndrome

As there are no two people with equal levels of emotional stability (even more—emotions fluctuate within each individual), the set of causes for the burnout syndrome will be unique in every patient. According to Dr. Simsone medical tourism statistics, however, show that some causes are more common than others.

Most frequent causes of the burnout syndrome

A workaholic, perfectionist personality.

Low self-esteem, self-awareness.

Constant stress and long working hours.

Lack of control over the processes at work.

Regrets over the chosen profession.

Difficult relationships, conflicts with people around.

Weak stress management skills (smoking, using alcohol or drugs, avoidance, confrontation).

Lack of time for self-care.

The feeling of not enough time in the day to complete all tasks.


Burnout Syndrome Prevention – Start Within

As burnout is a complex combination, its various factors must be broken down and approached individually. When working towards healing burnout syndrome patients, doctors usually define three main pillars– body, mind, environment.

Pillar 1: Body

The first important step towards harmony “inside out” as suggested by experts is finding time for self-care every day, and living by some simple rules:

Increase your physical activity.

Eat healthier food.

Avoid tobacco and use alcohol moderately.

Pillar 2: Mind

Less work and technology distractions, more time for yourself and your closest ones – this should be the mantra for everyone, especially for those at risk of burnout. “Taking care” of mind shows great results in burnout prevention and treatment.

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“An effective practice in case of the burnout syndrome is “mindfulness”. It is the main dimension of the mind and body which focuses on all health aspects,” says Dr. Simsone from her vast experience working as a psychotherapist at “Dzintari”, a partner clinic of the Health Travel Latvia medical tourism cluster.

Pillar 3: Environment

Balance between the “interior and exterior” of personal needs is another essential precondition of mental health. At different stages in life, it is advised to ask oneself “What do I need?” and act accordingly – find peace with the given situation or maybe it is time for a change?


Choose Best Available Professional Help

At times when self-help is not enough and professional attention is required, a change of scenery to put things into perspective and choosing a trustworthy clinic and doctor is key. Health Travel Latvia medical tourism cluster includes the most modern clinics providing the highest quality medical services often for a significantly lower price compared to elsewhere in the world. The cluster’s professionals are highly experienced and fluent in multiple languages.

What this video and learn more about Health Travel Latvia medical cluster!

If you have any questions like “How to determine burnout?”, “How can I help my friend who’s suffering?” or even “What is medical tourism?”, get in touch with Health Travel Latvia – email: or call: +372 29214868.