In the United States, families spend an absurd percentage of their incomes feeding healthcare costs. Whether that is insurance or work covered by the state at large, healthcare is expensive. And the problem is only getting worse.

But sometimes, it is not worth it to cut corners. Here are 7 instances wherein you should splurge on healthcare.


Specialists are one of the most painful sticking points of the private healthcare insurance system. They overcomplicate what should be a straightforward process for patients to seek help and often price much needed care out of patient’s reach.

However, it is sometimes worth it to pay out of pocket for a specialist. They are not created equal, and specialists are often attending to very serious matters or chronic conditions. So you want to make sure they are a good fit for your lifestyle and healthcare needs.

Post-Operative Recovery

When it comes to the transition from the operating table to the real world, you need a post-op recovery that takes into account your long-term goals. An athlete in her thirties and an elderly person in his eighties will not have the same healthcare needs after a major surgery, so it makes sense that they should not visit the same facility for post op care and recovery.

“Any surgery – no matter how minor – can be a physically and emotionally demanding experience. Arranging for a high level of supportive care for your post-surgery recovery period can make all the difference between a smooth recovery from surgery and one that can have irrevocable consequences on your body and spirit,” says Pearl Recovery Retreat, a premier post op care and recovery facility.

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Athletic Treatment

If you are an athlete dependent on a sport either for your income or strictly your peace of mind, athletic treatment that rehabilitates your muscles after intense workouts or games is an absolute necessity.

While there is no substitute for the care of a doctor, a qualified athletic trainer can help keep you in peak physical condition for your next day on the field.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has a long-lasting impact on your life. The consequences of what you do or, just importantly, do NOT do after a traumatic injury or accident will haunt you for the rest of your days.

So it is worth investing a little extra for the right physical therapist. That does not necessarily mean going expensive. But not every therapist will fit your lifestyle on an intimate level.

Cognitive Therapy

Similarly to physical therapy, cognitive or behaviorial therapy’s success is contingent on how good the fit is between the patient and the medical professional.

The stakes involved in cognitive therapy are somehow even higher than those involved in athletic or physical therapy, however. These things shape the way we perceive our health and wellness in really striking ways. In fact, cognitive behavioral therapy is so powerful that it also has the power to irreparably damage your life—not just improve it.


Even—or especially!—in the case of nootropics and other supplements whose effects have not been established or grounded in science, there is reason to err on the more expensive side. However, more expensive does not always mean better. That is simply a baseline so you are less likely to get seriously ill from the product!

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From there, you will have to do your homework on the quality of the different luxury brands. More familiar names will likely be pricier, but they will be safer, too.

Home Care

Home care can provide life-changing, convenient, and accessible healthcare to the people that need it most. However, the intimate nature intrinsic to home care means that you need to be sure that the stranger(s) you are allowing into your home are in fact trust worth.

Home care has the proven ability to improve the lives of not only the ill, elderly, or injured, but it also improves the quality of life for the family at large. By taking some of the burden off of family members and other traditional caregivers tapped in times of crisis, home carers can be an invaluable resource.

This also puts them in a position of power over vulnerable populations and families, however. After all, who better to try and take advantage of than an ill or ailing person ridden with guilt and the family that is desperate to alleviate their suffering? They will be more likely to see the good in others.

Therefore, there is reason to believe home caring can attract scammers. So opting for a more reputable company may mean shelling out some more cash.