Managing blood sugar levels is critical all through your pregnancy for both your and your baby’s health. Your doctor may request a blood sugar test to evaluate the level of glucose in your blood and detect any early signs of diabetes. The following recommendations will assist you in managing your blood sugar level while you’re pregnant. 


You should eat a range of healthy foods to ensure a stable diet. If you’re a vegetarian or on a special diet, consult your doctor to ensure you’re eating a well-balanced diet. Generally, you should consume the following foods:

  • A variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Lean proteins and healthy fats in moderation.
  • Whole grains, including bread, cereal, pasta, rice, and starchy vegetables like corn and peas, should be consumed in moderation.
  •  Less sugar, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks, and pastries.

You should consume three modest to moderate-sized meals with snacks in-between every day.

Stay Active

Physical activity that is both frequent and moderate is vital and healthy during pregnancy. Exercise can help with various pregnant aches and pains, but it’s also a good strategy to lower your blood sugar level. Walks, swimming, maternity aerobics, or some light jogging should all be part of your everyday regimen.

Continue to acquire weight healthily

Keep track of your weight gain from the moment you find out you’re expecting. Putting on more weight, dropping too much, or regaining weight too fast may indicate a problem.

Keep track of your blood sugar level daily

If you want to keep your blood sugar under control while pregnant, you must start by measuring your glucose level regularly. Keep a detailed track of your readings, as well as details about your food and exercise routine. This can help you figure out if your treatment strategy is working or needs to be tweaked. You can use medical devices such as Blood Sugar test Meters, Blood Lancets, and Diabetic Test Strips to keep a check. Medical equipment in Dubai is even more advanced.   

Read also :  Six Things That Can Cause Depression, And What You Can Do

Get enough sleep

According to a recent study published by the University of Washington School of Medicine, poor or no sleep can contribute to gestational diabetes. You should obtain enough sleep throughout pregnancy to keep your blood sugar level under control. Make sleep a priority by limiting screen time, getting regular exercise, and eating healthily.


  • Carbohydrates should account for less than half of your daily calorie intake.
  • The majority of carbs come from starch or sweet snacks. Bread, rice, pasta, cereal, tubers, peas, maize, fruit, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, cookies, candies, and soda. 
  • Whole-grain carbs with high fiber content are a good choice. Complex carbs are the kind of carbohydrates that fall under this category.


Visit ALFA DIAG for a healthy pregnancy and control of your blood sugar levels. ALFA DIAG is active in Dubai, the Middle East, Africa, Turkey, the CIS, and other locations.

ALFA DIAG is a life science company specializing in in-licensing and commercializing high-quality standards with products approved by the US-FDA, EMA, MHLW, ANPP, SFDA, and others.

ALFA DIAG aspires to be a premier supplier of new and advanced products in the In-Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices segments and many other pharmaceutical areas.