For years, you’ve been meaning to shed those extra pounds. Unfortunately, the time constraints synonymous with working full time and raising a family have significant weight loss an uphill battle. Since being overweight makes you feel less attractive, your motivation for slimming down largely relates to your physical appearance. However, getting rid of excess flab and decreasing your waistline has a number of important benefits other than just looking better. So if you require additional motivation for dropping unwanted poundage, consider the following perks.

Reduced Risk of Illness

Obesity is associated with a number of serious health problems – diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack, to name a few. Fortunately, by maintaining a healthy weight for someone of your gender, age bracket and height, you can dramatically diminish your chances of falling victim to the aforementioned ailments. Obesity has been closely linked to spikes in blood pressure and decreased cardiovascular function, which are synonymous with an ever-expanding roster of health issues. To learn more about the health risks of being overweight – and effective ways to lose weight – schedule a consultation at a respected weight-loss surgery clinic.

More Restful Nights

Being obese or overweight can have adverse effects on your sleep patterns – not to mention the sleep patterns of those around you. First and foremost, obesity causes obstructive sleep apnea, which entails excessive snoring and gasping throughout the nighttime hours as a result of poor oxygenation. Not only does this diminish the quality of your sleep, it can severely disrupt the slumber of anyone with whom you share a bed. Some sleep apnea sufferers are so loud that their partners have to wear earplugs to get a peaceful night’s sleep. Although obesity isn’t the only cause of obstructive sleep apnea, it’s among the most common. In many cases, slimming down to a healthy weight will make this problem go away.

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Increased Energy Levels

Overweight and obese individuals frequently suffer from low energy levels. The less active you are, the less energy you’re going to have – and it should come as no surprise that many obesity sufferers are habitually inactive. To keep your bodyweight at a sensible level, the CDC recommends that adults get at least two and a half hours of mid-level aerobic activity per week. This should be coupled with two instances of muscle-strengthening activity each week. Becoming accustomed to a new workout routine is never easy, which is why many people abandon exercise regimens soon after starting them. While it’s true that many of these routines will initially lead to a drop in energy levels, sticking with them will ultimately increase your vitality and endurance. So if you’re tired of feeling perpetually fatigued, it behooves you to stay active.

Over the last several decades, obesity has become an increasingly widespread epidemic in the U.S. Nearly three quarters of Americans are currently considered overweight, with 35 percent being classified as obese. There’s no question that losing weight can be difficult, but the far-reaching benefits of staying trim far outweigh any inconveniences you may experience in the process.