golden retriever with stomach upset
Golden retriever with stomach upset

Dogs can’t always tell us when something is wrong, but you’ll probably be able to tell if your dog has an upset stomach. He or she may vomit or have diarrhea, you may notice them eating grass, and you’ll likely notice lethargy or even stomach growling.

There are a number of things you can do at home if your pet is not severely suffering. However, if your dog is noticeably in distress, be sure to contact your local vet or veterinary specialty hospital to be sure that it is not a symptom of a potentially fatal disease. The same goes if you notice a pattern of these behaviors over a period of time. Remember, it is always a good idea to speak to your vet even if your dog is showing minimal signs of distress.

1.Make Sure Your Dog Is Hydrated

First of all, you need to make sure your dog has plenty of access to water as stomach problems can quickly lead to dehydration. If your dog has had lots of vomiting or diarrhea, he or she has most likely expelled much of the hydration necessary to keep the body working. Therefore, it may take longer to recover from the underlying cause of stomach irritation.

You can easily check to see if your dog is dehydrated in a few ways. First, pinching his or her skin between the shoulder blades with two fingers. If it shows elasticity by snapping back into place when you release it, your dog is hydrated. If not, this shows that your dog doesn’t have enough moisture. Also check his or her gums; if they are pink that means healthy, but if they are dry and pale this can indicate dehydration.

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In severe cases of dehydration, your pet may need to be rehydrated through an IV at your vet’s office.

2. Remove The Food

If your dog has an upset stomach he or she may not show much interest in food anyway, but taking away food for 12-24 hours can be a great way to help the body’s systems regulate themselves.

If you are concerned that this will deprive your dog of needed nutrients, know that in the wild animals will often deprive themselves of food when they have upset stomachs, and will eat grass so as to expel any remaining food from their system in the form of vomit.

Make sure your pet continues to have access to plenty of fresh water, and you can use a drop of syrup on your finger to help keep energy up if your pet seems drained.

3. Choose Bland Foods

Once your dog is starting to show signs of feeling better, you can slowly reintroduce bland foods after fasting. This is often very similar to what people do for upset stomachs.

First, make a combination of watery rice mixed with white meat that is skinless and boneless. If your dog will just eat the rice you won’t need the chicken, but most pets may need a little bit of meat in order to show interest. Lean chicken is the best, as fatty meats can complicate the stomach’s issues.