fibroid Miracle ReviewBleeding Problems with Fibroids

Fibroids may increase menstrual bleeding, although many fibroids sufferers do not have this issue. There are many different theories behind reason of heavy menstrual bleeding. During menstrual periods, when uterine lining is shed, the uterus is raw as well as bleeding from inside. There are two basic ways how uterus stops bleeding, by usual blood-clotting process that works for whole body by creating plugs in blood vessels. However, as the uterus is a muscle, it has the ability to squeeze and contract the bleeding vessels of uterus. These contractions are actually the menstrual cramps that you feel. In fibroid miracle program Amanda Leto suggests that fibroids don not allow uterus to get squeezed properly, therefore the vessels inside uterus stay open longer, and therefore you lose more blood. Fibroids also produce proteins that grow vessels nearby and other proteins that expand blood vessels and more blood is lost after bleeding starts.

Other medical problems can also cause heavy bleeding or bleeding during periods. Polyps, hormonal changes, uterine lining overgrowth, or, rarely, even cancer or pre-cancer of uterus can all become reason for abnormal bleeding. A not uncommon understated abnormality known as Von Willebrandt’s Disease, in which the blood clotting mechanism may also cause heavy bleeding. So, any abnormality in bleeding must be reported to your doctor for thorough assessment.

Whenever heavy menstrual bleeding continues the body in incapable to develop new blood cells fast enough to replace the lost ones. Some sufferers find that bleeding is so severe that even iron pills along with 1,000 mg vitamin C to support iron absorption into the bloodstream, cannot resolve the problem and creates anemia development. Anemia can result in fatigue, weakness and fuzzy thinking. Severe anemia may create light-headedness. In such cases take treatments beyond iron pills.

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Urinary Problems with Fibroids

The uterus is directly under the bladder, and both are partially attached at same point. When fibroid starts to grow, it may squeeze bladder so that it can’t fill properly with urine and causes the felling of need to urinate frequently. Also, laughing, coughing, or sneezing, can causes the fibroid to push against your bladder and causes stress incontinence and causes you to lose urine.  Although this is a minor inconvenience for some, others may limit their activities to avoid awkwardness. There are many other causes of incontinence; therefore you must get a careful assessment. There are several nonsurgical treatments available for incontinence, therefore stress incontinence is not a problem you just need to live with.