
We all lead busy lives and often neglect some of the daily household chores that should be getting done.  Maintaining a clean and healthy home is important. Not only does this help protect your home but it will ensure that you and your family are safe and secure.  This is significant because it’s where you live and spend your time each day. A few creative ideas to keep your home clean and healthy can make quick work of mundane tasks and keep your home beautiful and healthy.
Daily Chores
If you don’t have one day to dedicate each week to cleaning your house top to bottom then you might want to make a schedule where one room gets cleaned each day. For example, on Monday you can clean your bathroom, Tuesday is the kitchen, etc. This will only take a few minutes out of each day and you won’t be stuck inside every Saturday cleaning every room at once. Better yet, if you can get everyone in your house to do a single chore each day it will make a big difference in how clean your home is and how efficiently it’s done.
Pest Control
It is important to pay close attention to potential pests that might be getting into your home. Mice, rats, ants, flies, and others can make your home very unhealthy. Keep an eye out for cracks and gaps around the outside of your home where pests can get in.  You can also utilize the help of a professional, like those at Eugene Pest Control, to eliminate any problems. There are many treatment options, such as routine inspections and spraying to keep pests away.
Clutter can pile up and messes occur if you lack a routine. Each day pick a time that is convenient for running the dishwasher. After breakfast if you load up the dishwasher and run it, then you have the afternoon to empty it. Before you head to bed at night make sure you have loaded up the dishwasher with any dishes lying around so there is less work for you to do in the morning.
Make sure that everything in your home has a designated place where it is always kept. A good rule of thumb should be that at the end of the day, everything gets put in its place. This makes it easier to maintain a clean, orderly, and healthy home.

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