When it comes to bodybuilding or any serious fitness endeavour, there are a range of lifestyle and diet-related habits that can be adopted for peak performance. Diet and maintaining adequate food intake is certainly one consideration, whilst getting adequate rest and quality sleep is another important aspect of peak performance.

Diet considerations

Without question, diet is the most important aspect of peak physical performance for serious fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders. We all know that high protein diets are a necessity but there are many more aspects to diet. Because of the importance of diet, most bodybuilders turn to supplementation for assistance towards achieving their goals. Once such form of supplement is nitric oxide supplements

Nitric oxide supplements for bodybuilding

Many bodybuilders and strength trainers consider nitric oxide supplements the perfect way to kickstart their training and optimize performance. Nitric oxide improves circulation throughout your body, helping you stay energized throughout even the longest workouts. It also provides extra strength to your muscles to boost your results.

How does nitric oxide work?

Nitric oxide widens your blood vessels so more blood can travel to your muscles at once. This allows extra nutrients and oxygen to be carried to your muscles during your workout so you won’t feel the strain as much throughout different parts of your body.

Are there any side effects?

Nitric oxide decreases blood pressure which is a good thing for many bodybuilders and strength trainers but may cause low blood pressure and related health issues in people with hypertension. People with already low blood pressure should stay away from these supplements; everyone else should consult a doctor to get safe dosages for their weight.

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What are the best nitric oxide supplements?

These supplements are the most highly recommended by bodybuilders and strength trainers at all levels:

  1. Promera Health Pump Extreme Diet Supplement

Sourced from only the highest quality ingredients, this supplement contains a healthy dose of nitric oxide and 2.758 milligrams of the company’s Advanced Vaso Support Matrix which includes Beta-Alanine, L-Carnitine HCL, L-Norvaline and caffeine anhydrous. This combination is ideal for all but the most extreme bodybuilders.

  1. Sheer Strength NO2

Conveniently packaged in a capsule form as well as the traditional powder, this supplement contains 3000 milligrams of L-Arginine HCL, Citrulline Malate, L-Arginine AKG, and Beet Root. This combination provides your muscles with an extra nutritional boost as well as the extra blood and oxygen you get from widening your blood vessels. The one thing you won’t find in this supplement is stimulants, making it ideal for people who do their working out in the evening.

  1. White Flood Reborn

This supplement contains high amounts of beta alanine and citrulline, two compounds which are known to stimulate production of nitric oxide throughout your body. It comes in a powdered form and for optimal performance you should drink one scoop dissolved in a considerable amount of water 20-30 minutes before you begin your workout.

  1. Cellucor NO3 Black Chrome

With 1250 milligrams of L-Arginine Nitrate, 100 milligrams of L-Norvaline and 655 milligrams of Citrulline Malate, Cellucor NO3 Black Chrome is one of the most effective nitric oxide boosters on the market. It also doesn’t contain any stimulants so it can be taken before evening workouts as well.

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Nitric oxide supplements won’t make up for hard work but they can boost your performance and help you make the most of every workout you do.