Canadian pharmacy

With so many technological advances we can pretty much buy anything online, including our prescription drugs from Canadian pharmacies. In fact, more Americans are choosing to buy their medications from a Canadian pharmacy than one that is based in the United States, simply because they can get a better price.

While this may seem like a money saving and efficient way to get drugs, there are some companies out there who sell knock off, or counterfeit prescriptions for super cheap prices. So you can’t always tell what it is that you will be getting.

One way to compare drug prices online across a variety of Canadian pharmacies is through a legitimate online directory, such as eDrugSearch, which gives a comprehensive listing of legitimate pharmacies in both the United States and Canada, which can offer you a comparison of the best pricing for your particular prescription. Sites like these will use a thorough application process before listing any Canadian pharmacy, making sure they are legal and properly registered.

You do still need to take care though, given that there are many sites, both directory and pharmacy, that appear legitimate but aren’t. Here are some of the tell tale signs that you need to be wary of the place you are buying from.

A legitimate online Canadian pharmacy will not sell you any prescription drugs without first requesting proof of a prescription. The whole purpose of an online pharmacy is to offer the same services as your local pharmacy, minus the higher prices that many brick and mortar establishments charge sue to overhead.

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Online pharmacies offer a more convenient and private door to door service. However, like your own pharmacy, they wouldn’t give you prescription medication without showing them a prescription first.

One of the biggest reasons that people opt to purchase their medication from an online pharmacy is the savings they can get. Each pharmacy will charge a different price for the same prescription, this is no secret. You may have experienced this yourself.

A pharmacy you go to regularly could charge you one amount. Then, one day you need to visit a different pharmacy and find the amount is 15.00 more than you would normally pay. But, who has the time to physically visit every pharmacy in order to find the best price?

This is where online Canadian pharmacy directories come in. They aim to offer you a listing of well established Canadian pharmacies through a search engine for a large database of legitimate online pharmacies. Most of these pharmacies also have a physical address and have branched out to offer services to a wider pool of people. You can easily pull up a listing to compare drug prices for your prescription in seconds

Some of these directory sites will also offer you discounts and coupons, advice and information about your prescription, customer reviews and other helpful links to pharmacy associations that allow you to check if an online Canadian pharmacy is registered and legitimate.

One thing to be wary of, when doing any price comparisons for prescription medications are prices that seem too good to be true. As enticing as it may be to pay these bargain prices, such low pricing should wave a red flag. It usually means that the medication you are getting is cheaper because it is of a poorer quality or possibly counterfeit.

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In some cases the drugs may be sold outside of the country you are expecting them to be in and are not strictly regulated by companies such as NAPRA, CIPA or the FDA. This can be quite dangerous if your prescription is one that has a huge impact on you, such as insulin, heart medications or antibiotics. So, if a price seems to be far too low its best that you steer clear of buying from that company.

A lot of counterfeit sites won’t have a physical address or legitimate way to contact them, will not have a pharmacist available to speak to and tend to use forged seals of approval from legitimate sites to make it look like are legal to buy from. Again, this is why its better to use a legitimate online pharmacy directory to compare and buy drugs.

These sites will be registered themselves and will use a vigorous system of checking any pharmacies that apply to the site. This way you can be at ease in knowing that you will get what you pay for and your medications won’t be fake.