With thousands of diseases affecting millions of people every year, it’s easy to see why each individual should focus on preventative care. If you’re interested in learning more about what you can do to stay healthy and free of disease, some of the best tips are listed below.

Wash Your Hands

Washing your hands is one of the most effective ways of reducing the spread of diseases and illnesses. According to the CDC it’s also one of the best ways to remove and prevent the spread of germs. To learn hand washing tips and more information about why this is important, visit the CDC. Longer nails are more likely to carry germs from the surfaces you touch into your mouth while eating. Trimming and cleaning nails regularly can help prevent this from happening, along with hand washing.

Keep Your House Clean

Cleaning your home doesn’t only make it look nice, it makes it safe. The Centers for Disease and Preventing (CDC) states that cleaning and disinfecting surfaces in your home can help slow or stop the spread of illnesses like influenza. Certain surfaces you should clean most often include: light switches, door knobs, fridge doors, microwave buttons, and toilet handles. An added benefit of keeping your home clean is the fact that it can deter insects such as spiders from coming indoors. This is important because some spider bites can spread diseases and even be fatal, especially for the young or elderly. You can always learn more about pest control by conducting a quick search on the web. If you notice insects no matter how much you clean, consider having your home professionally sprayed by an exterminator.

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Stop Smoking

Smoking cigarettes puts the individual who is smoking (as well as others around them) at risk for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and even heart disease. Even if you don’t smoke it’s recommended to avoid areas where there is smoke indoors, especially vehicles.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Eating healthy foods and limiting calorie intake can help prevent diseases such as obesity, osteoporosis, liver disease, and even heart disease. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has created a complete guide for a healthy diet.

Spending the time to incorporate the tips listed above into your life can be well worth it. In addition to minimizing your chance of illness and disease, they can also leave your family healthier as a whole. With these changes being so easy to make, why not get started today?