Having a well-stocked first aid kit is an important thing to have in your home. You never know what could happen, especially if you have young children in the home. They are known for having an endless supply of accidents.

One of the keys to a great first aid kit is for it to be portable. You will want to be able to take it with you on the road or out for a camping trip. A container such as a fishing tackle box is a sturdy and cheap option. Here are some things to include in the kit.

Prevent Infections

1. Bandages

You will want a variety of bandages in your kit. Each one has different situations they could be used. For large wounds to small cuts, you need bandages to prevent dirt and bacteria from entering an open wound. This is especially important when out of the home. Here are some you should include.

  • Liquid bandage
  • Butterfly bandage
  • Steri-strips
  • Finger bandages
  • Trauma dressing
  • Gauze dressing pad with medical tape
  • Hemostatic agent: these are used to seal injured blood vessels.

2. Wound Cleaner

Wounds need to be cleaned. The goal is to prevent infection in the first place. You should have a few options in your first aid kit to ensure you can handle anything that could be thrown your way.

You will want to have some antiseptic wipes or sprays to help flush out the injury. Another item for flushing out injuries is an irrigation syringe. For flesh wounds, triple antibiotic cream is typically all that is needed. However, it is best to keep a spraying wound cleanser in the kit as well. Deep wounds can occur.

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3. Nylon Sutures

You should have a set of nylon sutures along with a needle puller and tweezers. While you can hope to never have to use them, it is great to have these available. It is always wise to carry them in your kit if you are going somewhere remote or out hiking.

It may be wise to watch some videos or download a pamphlet to keep in the kit. This can help you use them to the best of your ability during an emergency.

4. Allergy Medication

Allergic reactions can happen at any time and anywhere. Keep allergy medication and an allergy stick on hand. The stick is a great option for bug bites and are applied topically to the area. Allergy medication, like Benadryl, are a great option for seasonal allergies as well as when one has touched a plant.

5. Splints

Injuries occur easily. It is best to have some kind of splint so you have time to reach a medical facility. They have flexible and finger splints in many pre-made kit aid kits in the store.

6. Pain Reliever

Keep a variety of pain relievers in your kit. You need Tylenol, for adults and children. Ibuprofen should be stocked as well; it is great for times when swelling due to injury happens. They have pain reliever spray for areas that may need it.

Oral pain can be terrible. Purchase small bottles to keep in kit, for adults and children. For burns, you should keep burn cream as well as burn dressing to prevent the spread of infection. Burns can be extremely painful; be prepared for them especially for camping trips.

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7. Gloves

If you are treating a wound, you need to have your hands covered. It is a safety precaution for you and the one with the wound. It prevents the spread of bacteria, as well as protecting you against unknown diseases. Always have a few sets of gloves in your kit.

This is far from an exhaustive list of needed first aid kit items. Many pre-made first aid kits have some of these items. A personally stocked kit is often the best way to go to ensure you get all the items desired. You never know when you will need to be prepared.