Switching To Contacts 3 Tips For Saying Goodbye To The Old Specs

Glasses versus contacts — it’s a tough call. Whether you’ve been wearing glasses for a while or have just been given your first prescription, deciding whether or not you should make the transition to contacts takes some consideration.

Sure, glasses are overall easier to wear, but they may not be your look. Or maybe you don’t want to wear them all the time and like the idea of being able to be Superman instead of Clark Kent once in a while.

Whatever the reason, switching from glasses to contacts can be more of an adjustment than most people expect, so we’ve put together three tips to make the transition easier.

Make Sure Your Environment Is Contact-Friendly

Although wearing contact lenses make you look like you’re rocking 20/20 24/7, the truth is that you still have lenses in your eyes, which means they’re susceptible to dust, debris and other irritants in the air.

If you work a desk job, you’re in the clear. People who work in construction or other environments that have a lot of dirt, dust, sand, smoke and other particles floating around, on the other hand, will want to keep their glasses on until their shifts are over.

Getting irritants stuck into contact lenses can cause infection and extreme discomfort.

Keep Clean

According to a Health Canada study, 40 to 90 percent of contact-wearers don’t follow proper contact hygiene procedures. This puts them at an increased risk for an infection called keratitis. In severe cases, this infection can lead to vision loss.

The American Academy of Ophthalmology lay out clear care instructions for contact lenses on their site. Some rules you should always follow are:

  • Never rinse or store lens in water.
  • Always clean with contact solution.
  • Never use saline, saliva or water as a disinfectant.
  • Replace your contact case regularly, around every three months or so, to decrease the risk of infection.
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You should also visit or call an eye care professional if you have any questions or concerns about contact care. Everything should be explained to you when you pick up your first set of lenses, but don’t hesitate to reach out with any further questions that arise.

Know What Type Of Lens You Need

Your optometrist should help you find the right pair of contacts, but it doesn’t help to know the differences yourself. Contact lenses today come in two forms: soft and hard lens.

Soft contact lenses have a much easier adjustment period for most users. Hard or gas-permeable lenses, on the other hand, take slightly longer to adapt to and should be worn periodically for several hours a day until your eyes are fully adjusted to them.

Keep In Touch With Your Eye Doctor

If you experience swelling, redness, inflammation or other signs of irritation while wearing contacts, discontinue use and talk to professionals, like those at All About Eyes, immediately. You can also reach out to them with any questions you might have. The adjustment from glasses to contacts is more difficult for some than others, but the right eye doctor will go out of their way to make the transition as smooth as possible.

If you find that contacts aren’t for you, don’t sweat it. Glasses are a bit less expensive and hassle-free, so keep rocking the bookish look and save the lenses for special occasions.