Suffering from nausea? Nausea affects everyone at some point n their life and there are multiple causes for it. Each nausea-inducing condition (cancer, pregnancy, seasickness, vomiting, sickness, flying, boating) should be assessed specifically as certain essential oils respond better with certain conditions. Essential oils for a cancer patient will be different than those better suited for a pregnant woman. Let’s take a look at 6 of the most powerful essential oils for nausea: peppermint, ginger, lavender, cinnamon, and coriander.

The best ways to use essential oils are either via tissue, inhaled through the nose and mouth, through a diffuser, in the bathtub, and also can be mixed into creams and lotions.

Cinnamon Oil

This spicy scent has unique healing and calming properties that help the stomach. In Asia, many countries observe suck on bits of whole cinnamon sticks to help with bloating, gas, intestinal pain and diarrhea.  It can help with cramping or spasms and promote hunger. Cinnamon is also a powerful fighter against flu and cold-like symptoms.

Peppermint Oil


Peppermint is a long time veteran to the scene of medicinal herb use in home remedies across the world, and its essential oil is extremely powerful. Being part of the mint family, peppermint oil has fantastic effects on calming the body and subduing pain tolerance.  Usually taken as a tea, peppermint essential oil can be dapped onto a tissue and inhale, covering the nose and mouth. Repeat this process 3-4 times or until symptoms of nausea start to subside. Peppermint is an approved essential oil for use during pregnancy.

Ginger Oil

Ginger has long been utilized in traditional and non-traditional methods to relieve symptoms related to nausea. It has been seen to help aid in morning sickness and seasickness, stomachaches and diarrhea. It has also been known to help treat nausea during the menstrual cycle and during chemotherapy.  It has served an integral part of cuisine in many Asiatic countries as it aids in digestion and is an important herb for the nervous system, having anti-inflammatory effects.

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Chamomile Oil

chamomile Essential Oil for Nausea

Chamomile has a long history for its soothing effects on the body. It makes the perfect bedtime tea and the perfect essential oil for bedtime baths, and long, restful nights of sleep. Use this oil by dabbing 1-2 drops on a piece of tissue and hold the tissue over the nose and mouth. Close your eyes and inhale deeply. Chamomile essential oil is also an effective remedy for vomiting. This essential oil is also perfect for any room diffuser.

Coriander Oil

This aphrodisiac can help to alleviate cramps in the muscles as well as in the stomach. The oil is also a helpful aid against bouts of coughing. Being antispasmodic, it helps to reduce anxiety and bloating in the body. This essential oil is best used in a tissue, inhaled through the mouth and nose or used in conjunction with other essential oil blends. Did you know that coriander essential oil is also an aphrodisiac?

Lavender Oil

Lavender is another powerful staple in medicinal herb history widely known for calming properties. Placing a few drops of lavender essential oil in the bath, in a bottle of water to use as a room refresher, a few dabs on your pillowcase before bedtime; these are all wonderful ways to get the most out of using you lavender oil. It is important to understand that lavender oil should not be directly applied to bare skin, as it is known for it’s caustic properties. Try to remember to use lavender is carrier oil, such as coconut oil, or mixed in cream or water. This essential oil is also perfect for use in an oil diffuser.  More recipes for nausea based on essential oils look here

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Risks When Using Essential Oils

Always check with your health professional before using a rigorous regime with essential oils as the can be very potent. Certain health ailments and medications should use caution when mixed with essential oils and should be cleared by a doctor before use. Every oil must be fully researched prior to use especially if you intend to blend oils.

Essential oils are normally not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women. A test patch on the inner elbow is recommended for sensitive skin types.