Brilliant Tips to Bolster your Writing Genius: Achieving brilliance in writing is this easy

It is a clear fact that not everyone was born with a flair for writing. But for a college student, writing is one of those assignments you cannot run away from. Given the indispensable nature of writing assignments, it is better to take time and learn how to master the art of formal writing instead of whining that you were not born with this thing called “writing wiring” in your system. This article will share out some powerful tips that you can optimize to excel in your writing assignments at college.

Write to address, not to impress

Do you write to impress or address? For many rookies, especially those with a liking for writing, it is very easy for them to fall into this trap. They fall into the temptation of trying to write to impress their readers. That is why you may find their writings filled with fluff and heavy vocabulary because they want to impress their audience. But maturity in writing demands that you write to address the needs of your audience. As you mature in writing, your focus shifts from a “me” angle to that of your audience. This way, you begin addressing issues and writing to show the reader everything they need to know as opposed to trying to show them everything you know.

Remember, your writing assignments in college are preparing you for formal writing in the future and its focus should always be addressing and meeting your readers’ needs. Therefore, you should bear in mind that writing is not a battle of wits to show who the smarter one is.

Get solid content

Another tip that will guide you in the path of brilliant writing is getting sufficient, relevant, and qualitative content to meet the needs of your assignment. As a wise student, don’t fall into the trap of rushing into writing just because you “have to write something.” On the contrary, you should write because you “have something important to write.” Where do you stand? If you can’t answer this question affirmatively, then you should back off and prepare yourself first. Therefore, you need to commit yourself to comprehensive reading to become conversant with your subjects, perfect your researching skills, and choose your topics well.

Keep off glittering generalities

If you want to perfect your writing skills and proficiency, you need to present your ideas in a specific manner. When you do this, you don’t leave any room for guesswork or assumption where the reader is left trying to figure out what you meant or tying up loose ends. Additionally, when you make your writing more specific, you give the reader a deeper sense of assurance that you know what you are writing about. Look at the following examples:

  1. The research showed that most of the inmates were first-time petty offenders
  2. The research showed that 36 out of the 52 inmates were first-time petty offenders who were convicted for pilfering and public disturbance.
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If you read the two examples, you get the feeling that the second sentence is more authoritative and accurate. Essentially, the two statements say the same thing—that most of the inmates were petty offenders. But the second one goes on to tell us how many inmates were in that jail and how many of them were serving short sentences for petty crimes.

There are power and beauty in simplicity

Another tip that will bolster your writing genius is using simple words. Even if your instructor is a professor of English, just borrow a leaf from a wise man who once said that, “I will never use the word burg or metropolis when I can use the word city.”

Just look at these two examples and judge for yourself which one you would prefer reading.

Example one: Pompous and difficult

“Is that the combustion office? I beseech you to gravitate to my domiciliary habitation with immediate acceleration because a gigantic inferno has engulfed and incinerated it.”

Example two: Simple and clear

“Is that the power office? Please rush to my home because a huge fire has invaded and burnt it down.”

Know when to stop

Just as it is with reading speeches, you need to know when and where you have to put a full stop to your work. Many students fall into this trap especially when they are handling an assignment that they are enjoying and they just wish that the pen should continue gliding on and on. You should keep off this temptation so that you do not necessarily overstep the stipulated word count of your assignment. If you do not pay attention to this rule, you will start digressing and end up with an anticlimax of an assignment you began well.

Use shorter sentences

Sentences are some of the most important units in your entire writing assignment. They are the primary arrangement that gives meaning to the words you are using. Therefore, you need to make them as short as possible or necessary. This way, you will make it easier for your readers to understand your message better than if you were using very long sentences. Make sure that each sentence carries a single thought so that you don’t confuse your readers.

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Avoid the passive voice

Another way of making your writing more forceful is using the active voice. Even though it is not a grammatical crime to use the passive voice, it is advisable that you avoid it as much as is possible. Using the active voice makes it easy and more interesting for your readers to read your work.

Use short paragraphs

Paragraphs are the secondary units that convey the sense of your writing. You should therefore keep them as short as possible so that you can communicate your ideas clearly. Make sure that each paragraph carries one single idea, and it should not exceed five sentences in length. If your paragraphs are too long, you need to check them because most likely you have included more than one idea. Alternatively, you should also check out to see if you are using too many unnecessary words to say the same things.

Stick to the basics

Even though academic writing has its own rules of writing and formatting, it does not have its special grammar rules. You need to remain true to and follow all the rules of grammar the same way you could have done if you were addressing any other audience. You therefore need to keep off danger zones such as slang and indecency by remaining formal and honorable in your language. It is, therefore, necessary for you to check your work for all grammar errors to ensure that it is perfect before you submit it for approval.

Keep of fluff words

Don’t fall into the trap of fluffy language. For instance, some students fall into trap of aping their favorite news reporting media by assuming they are grammar masters. They blindly adopt meaningless “media clichés” such as “basically” at the beginning of your sentences or paragraphs. But the sad truth is that the media is not a school of language hence if you want to enrich your grammar, read a book on that subject.

Final thoughts

So far, you are no abreast with tips that will catapult you to greater levels of brilliance in your academic writing assignments. If you need further help, you can get it at