Treat your nails at home
Treat your nails at home

Manicure and pedicure are the best treatment for nails performed in a spa or can be done at home. Besides these treatments, you should also maintain hygiene and follow the prescribed diet and tips to cure your fragile nails.


The following are the steps involved in a manicure:

  • Clean your nails and let them dry. Remove the leftover nail polish with a nail polish remover.
  • Cut and file your nails using nail clippers.
  • Take a bowl of soapy water or milk and soak your fingers for a few minutes. Later, dry your hands and gently push back your cuticles.
  • Apply a moisturizing lotion to your hands.
  • Apply a base coat that protects your nails from chemicals in the nail polish. Using your nail paint, apply three strokes. Later, apply a second coat and then with a top coat. Let them dry.


Steps involves in a pedicure:

  • Trim and shape your nails and remove the leftover nail polish using a nail paint remover.
  • Give your feet a nice bath. Take a tub and fill it with lukewarm water enough to cover your ankles. Add some bath salts. You can also add few drops of lavender oil or some other essential oils. Add few smooth pebbles in water to gently massage your feet. Soak your feet and relax for twenty minutes. Dry them with a towel.
  • Exfoliate the dead skin cells using a cuticle cream on the base of a toe nail. In meanwhile, remove the dead skin cells using a scrub. Gently push back your cuticles.
  • Clean your feet and moisturize them. Massage well. Regular massage can nourish your skin and foot muscles and it also improves blood circulation.
  • Paint them with a nail polish.
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A fragile nail is a symptom of iron insufficiency. Include lots of foodstuff abundant in iron. Whole grain products, fresh vegetables, soy products, lentils, beans, spinach, nuts, dry fruits like apricots, raisins, dates etc. are foods that are rich in iron.

Beetroots contain calcium and also Vitamin-D supplement is required for healthy nails. Include calcium foodstuff such as milk and other milk products.

Drink lots of water and keep your body hydrated.


  • Don’t bite or chew nails.
  • Maintain hygiene. Don’t use unclean materials. Make sure you wash your nail clippers and dirt scrapers every time after you use.
  • Protect your hands and nails by wearing gloves whenever you do your household work. Too much moisture can weaken your nails.
  • Use fingers, but not your nails to open cans. It is much better if you use tools to remove soda cans, staples etc.
  • Trim your nails to a manageable length so that they won’t break easily.
  • Trim your toe nails straight across to avoid ingrown toenails. This is really very important to people suffering from diabetes.
  • Wash your hands with warm water to avoid infections and apply moisturizer.
  • Don’t peel your nails. Don’t cut or manipulate your cuticles. Gently push them back.
  • Air out your boots and shoes. Wear cotton socks. Don’t put your feet into damp and sweaty shoes. This may lead to infections.
  • Don’t clean your nails with a sharp metal.
  • Don’t wash clothes in hot water and don’t leave your hands in the detergent for a long time.