The Road to Recovery How to Respond After Suffering a Personal Injury

Accidents, whether they occur at work or on the road, can take a toll on the persons involved. The first priority in any accident should be to ensure everyone is in good health. When those who are injured have been attended to, the next step is to seek damages from the parties liable for the accident. Here is a guide on how to respond after suffering a personal injury.

Seek Medical Attention

After an accident, the first thing you should do is check whether you or anyone else at the scene has sustained injuries. In case of any injuries, you should call 911 or rush to the hospital. It is advisable to seek medical attention immediately rather than later especially if you intend to pursue a personal injury claim.

Insurance adjusters are notorious for denying claims on the basis of even the slightest doubt concerning your injuries. For example, an insurance adjuster may claim that you sustained your injuries elsewhere if you fail to consult a doctor as soon as you are involved in an accident. Furthermore, the medical records provide a strong basis for justifying the amount of compensation you want for your injuries.

Report the Accident

Regardless of whether you are involved in a traffic accident or work related accident, you should inform law enforcement immediately. The police will file an accident report which will serve as evidence in your case. The law enforcement agencies can also assist you contact medical services once they arrive at the scene of the accident.

Gather Evidence

A personal injury case is as strong as the evidence that proves liability for the accident. In this case, before you leave an accident scene, make sure you gather all the proof you can get. Write an account of the accident while it is still fresh in your mind. It also helps to take photos of your injuries and of the accident scene. If there are witnesses, talk to them and take note of their contact details.

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Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer

When a person is involved in a serious accident, calling a lawyer is the least of their worries but this should not be the case. A personal injury lawyer should be involved from the beginning to ensure no stone is left unturned. An attorney is crucial for gathering evidence and also when dealing with the insurance adjuster and law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, a personal injury claim has a statutory limitation period which your lawyer will be keen on observing.

When the police ask that you record your statement, you should have a lawyer by your side to avoid self-incrimination. A lawyer can also help the police compile an accident report if you are too traumatized to think rationally.

When it comes to settlements, your attorney is the best chance you have of getting a fair deal. Insurance adjusters always try to pay the least amount possible in settlements but with the help of an attorney like those at Ahlander Injury Law, there is no chance that you will be lured into just accepting a raw deal.

If a settlement does not work, you still have the option of going to trial. With an experienced and skillful lawyer your chances of a good damage award are high. Some of the damages you stand to gain after a trial include; medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and temporary disability.

Summing it Up

If you have been involved in an accident resulting in personal injuries, your first impulse would be to seek compensation. Some of the first steps you should take include seeking medical attention, calling law enforcement, and gathering evidence. It is also absolutely important that you involve a personal injury attorney in your case to increase your chances of receiving a fair settlement.

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