Lentil soup
Healthy and delicious Lentil Soup

Lentils have been the part of our diet since years. This delicious and healthy lentil soup is rich in potassium content which even keeps your blood pressure under control. It is also rich in zinc and protein. Garlic and onions impart a unique aroma to this soup. This is a low calorie appetizer which can fill you up before you have your main course so that you don’t binge on oily or any high calorie foods.

Preparation time:  15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 Minutes

Served: 3

Calories: 186 calories per serving


For Lentil (split yellow gram) paste (puree)

a. 3 tablespoons split yellow gram

b. 1/4th cup carrot cut into cubes

c. Half cup chopped onions

Other ingredients:

a. Half tsp chopped garlic

b. Half cup chopped onions

c. 2tbsp chopped celery  

d. 1tbsp corn flour

e. 2tbsp barley (already cooked)

f. Salt, pepper to taste

g. 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Preparation Method:

a. Soak lentil (split yellow gram) for two hours.

b. Strain water from it and add onions, carrots to it and pressure cook it for few minutes.

c. Cook till this mixture becomes a fine paste and smooth. Let it cool.

d. Take another pan and add oil to it. Sauté onions, garlic and celery for a minute.

e. Add the yellow split gram paste (puree) which is already prepared and bring it to boil.

f. Simmer for few minutes and add barley (already cooked) to it and stir it continuously.

g. Now add salt and pepper to this soup.

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h. Now take half cup of water and add corn flour to it and mix it well without forming lumps.

i. Add this corn flour solution to the soup and simmer it for another 5 minutes.

j. Serve hot. Garnish it with cilantro.