Dental problems are one of the most common problems that many of us face during our lives. The exactly same worst condition comes up when you’re one of the teeth is missing. This missing can be due to any reason – whether due to disease or hormone defect. All those who want to fill up the place of lost teeth here is good news for you all. Yes, a great solution has come up, and that is a dental implant.


Missing tooth not only affects your appearance but also creates health issues. Earlier the only solution available for this problem was dentures and bridges, but luckily we live in that era where science has come up with so many improvements and a fantastic way to put artificial tooth root at the missing place. Let’s get into the heart of this superb method of what is exactly dental implant.

What is Dental Implant?

It is a procedure where an artificial tooth is made and fix up at the missing place. These artificial teeth are made up very cautiously keeping in mind your natural teeth – color, size, etc. so that it does not come out odd later on. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match your natural teeth.

Like a denture, the dental implant does not come out loose. A titanium post is surgically positioned into the jaw bones that are present in the gum line and artificial teeth, or a bridge is fixed into this area by your dentist.

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Benefits of Dental Implant

Dental implants will provide unique advantages over other methods and will give life time support.

  1. Comfort: As the new teeth will be like one of your natural teeth, it will eliminate the disadvantages of dentures to a great extent.
  2. Eating comfort: Chewing will be a lot more easily, and as the implanted teeth become part of you there will be no worries about misplacing or losing it during eating process.
  3. Appearance: Your face appearance will be a lot more improved and it as it will be made like your natural teeth no there will be no distinguishing between your new and old ones.
  4. Improved speech: With dentures, there can be an accident of slipping tongue or speaking, but as the dental implant is a cosmetic dentistry and also permanent, so you need not worry about slurring language in this case.


Risks associated with Dental Implant

  • Infection: This procedure is a surgical method, and there are great chances of having an infection due to development of plague or other diseases.
  • Sinus problems: If implantation of teeth is improper in the upper jaw, there are great chances of developing sinus problems.
  • Fracture: While placing teeth to the actual place there are chances of getting a fracture of the natural tooth that is present at its side.

Procedure of Dental Implant

The procedure of this will start up by taking x-rays of your natural teeth. After this, a local anesthesia will be given to you if required. If the bone is deemed deficient, then bone regeneration will be carried out at the same time. With patient’s bone implants can take nearly about six weeks to six months. Once integrated, the implants can be brought into a function with a variety of new teeth options.

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After implanting you have to make sure that you eat soft food so that no strain is given to the implanted teeth at once. I hope this information has cleared your doubts regarding dental implants, and now you will be able to decide whether to go with it or not.