And because it is the last furniture to be thought of, there is a tough time in choosing the right table, and it seems that there are endless options as well. Here are the ways that will help in picking the perfect coffee table.

Check the Budget

There are massive choices of coffee tables, and the price can also range from the most expensive to the budget friendly ones. It is important to have a proper budget for different areas like lighting, furniture, and accessories.

The furniture items are sofas, chairs, side tables and coffee tables. It is better to allocate more to the bigger pieces. However, owners can also adjust their budget if they like something as long as it does not jeopardize the quality of chairs and sofas.

Always Consider the Space

The perfect distance from the edge of the sofa until the edge of the table is at least 18 inches. It is the appropriate distance that will let the person reach for their drinks or put a book down. However, it should also be far enough for people to stretch out their legs.

The usual problem that house owners encounter with coffee tables is the space between the furniture and the sofa, be it too small or too much. It is best to consider the 18-inch rule while buying a coffee table.

Know the Functionality

People need to consider that the functionality of a coffee table is an important factor. Some tables have drawers or shelves that can hold random things like magazine and kid’s toys.

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Regardless of the storage or other function, it is important to consider if visitors can still place a plate or a drink on the table without the risk of spilling. It is best to choose a coffee table that will fit its purpose while placed in the living room.

Always Think About The Height

The perfect coffee table’s height is crucial. It is important that the surface is around an inch or two lower than the sofa seat. A coffee table’s standard height is approximately 16 to 18 inches high. However, if the living room has a high couch, it is fine to consider on buying 20-21 inches table that will offer more comfort to guests in placing their glasses or plates.

Pick the Right Style

Modern, vintage, formal or informal, there are a lot of styles to consider when purchasing the coffee table. The style still depends on the house’s style or the owner’s personal choice.

Choosing a sleek metal table with a glass top can create a contemporary look. A rustic oak table can perfectly create a casual aura. There are a lot of styles to draw inspiration from, using the decoration scheme of the room can be the perfect guide.


There are various things that homeowners consider when choosing the right coffee table. Coffee tables may be one of the least prioritized furniture for the homes, but it can greatly change the mood of the house. More than the design and style, the budget, space, and height are also important.

Apart from all the things mentioned above, comfort should never be compromised for a coffee table, may it be the comfort of your home or your wallet.

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