Benefits of Coconut Water
Benefits of Coconut Water

On a hot humid day when you are dripping from head to toe, sipping on the refreshing coconut water fills up with instant energy and vitality to combat the heat as well as carry on with your day smoothly. Peeping into an open coconut head and looking at its natural pool of water feels magical! I  Coconut is also called noelani in Hawaii, which means dews from the heavens.

Why Coconut water Is Beneficial

Coconut water is a boon to our health and beauty because it is naturally packed with some of the most powerful nutrients which are required to stay healthy and look gorgeous.  There is something

  • Coconut water supplies the body with Vitamin B which helps in the replacing the dead tissues
  • The glucose content in this drink provides the much needed energy to the body for efficient functioning.
  • Potassium is a powerful nutrient to lower blood pressure and keep the blood thinner to prevent clogging of arteries. Coconut water is filled with the same.
  • Vitamin C present in this drink builds your immunity to fight against ailments.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

Prevents Gastric Intolerances

Coconut water heals the problem of acidity, bloating, gastric pains and indigestion and keeps the bowel movements in check. Consume this drink as the first thing in the morning and watch out for its effectiveness yourself.

Manages Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes and fluctuating glucose level in the body is managed effectively by consuming coconut water. It also makes you feel full for longer periods of time and curbs stress which is a common symptom in diabetics.

Keeps Blood Pressure Levels In Check

Regular consumption of coconut water manages the blood pressure levels efficiently due to the presence of potassium in it. It also prevents blood thickening and keeps the arteries healthy.

Hydrates The Body

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You would never suffer from dehydration in summers or pass out because of heat stroke if you are a regular drinker of coconut water. You would also not be required to hit the loo frequently as coconut water tends to stay inside for a while.

Purifies The Body From Inside

Because coconut water is embedded with anti-oxidants it purifies the body by flushing out all the toxins from the body and thereby purifying it completely inside out, not to mention the healthy flush it gives to your face.

A Boon During Pregnancy

Coconut water supplies strength and nutrition to the foetus and thereby helps women in curbing the tendencies of mood swings, gastric troubles and also weakness. Regular consumption of coconut water makes women fight against any infection during pregnancy and keeps their skin glowing!

Look Pretty With Coconut Water

Not only is this heavenly drink full of health benefits, you could also rely on coconut water if you wish to look delectably beautiful and younger for longer periods of time.

Long Luscious hair

Simply get some freshly extracted coconut water and mix it in your hair oil (if you use coconut oil, it would be the greatest blessing for our hair health!). Massage on a clean scalp gently for five minutes in circular motion and then dip your hair tips in the oil mixture as well. Sleep overnight and then wash off with cold water in the morning. You would get surprisingly luscious, sparkling and smooth hair!

A Natural and Effective TonerFor Oily Skin

Tired of managing your messy oily skin and have also spent a hefty amount of money on the so called oil-free products only to develop skin inflammation?  Coconut water absorbs the excess oil from your skin and leaves the skin fresh, clean and bright. Well, get coconut water and apply on your cleansed skin with a cotton bob. Let it stay for sometimes, say about 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water. You would have never experienced such an effective and low cost toner!

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Soothes Itchy Skin

Skin inflammation could be caused by bacteria, excessive dryness or ever exposure to the sun. However, to get rid of that, massage coconut water on the irritated or itchy areas and sleep overnight with it. You would not only wake up to a happy and relieved skin in the morning but would also notice a lovely and smooth texture.

Moisturizes Dry Skin

For stubborn dryness of skin, of course drink as much coconut water as possible, plus mix coconut water with your night cream every day and sleep with it on your skin. Else, take the soft coconut meat (malai) and massage on your face before going to bed. Waking up to a baby soft and supple skin is everyone’s dream!

Prevents Sun Tanning

Few people know that coconut water when mixed with Fuller’s earth (multanimitti) makes an excellent scrub for sun tanned skin. You could brighten those dark areas by using this scrub daily on your body. Your skin would come out fairer and replenished.

Blessed With Anti-Ageing Properties

Women who use coconut oil while cooking and consume coconut water and its meat regularly, look a decade younger than their actual age. It has anti-ageing properties and supplies healthy fats to the body which keeps the skin younger and firm.


Clear Any Skin Imperfections

If you are troubled with pimples, blemished, dark spots and scars, then here is your pick. Clean your face every day with coconut water and watch your skin get an even tone within a couple of days, since this fruit is blessed with amazing anti-bacterial properties.