How to Solve a Dry Mouth in 6 Steps

Is A Dry Mouth Irritating You?

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition whereby the salivary glands in the mouth fail to produce enough saliva which results in a dry feeling. Symptoms may include a dry throat, bad breath, and cracked lips. Saliva plays an essential role in the digestion process also, as the moisture aids in breaking down food. In addition, saliva plays a protective role in maintaining good dental health, as it protects your mouth against tooth decay and gum disease. This is why fixing a dry mouth is of such high importance, thus, try these remedies and follow the following steps to fix a dry mouth. 

Monitor Your Medical Conditions


Dry mouth may emerge as a side effect of other health conditions. It is mainly a side effect of some prescribed and non-prescribed drugs. In most cases, drugs used to treat anxiety, depression, allergies, pain, obesity, colds, epilepsy, nausea, diarrhea, urinary incontinence, psychotic disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and asthma may cause a dry mouth. On the other hand, side effects of some medications can disturb saliva glands. This inhibits the production of saliva, leading to a dry mouth. For example, chemotherapy treatments and radiation. Besides this, conditions that result in dehydration, such as excessive sweating, fever, diarrhea, blood loss, vomiting, and burns, are significant causes of dry mouth. It is important to monitor both your medical conditions and medication intake to avoid a dry mouth. 


Drink Water Regularly

The essential way to deal with dry mouth is by drinking enough water throughout the day. Drinking a lot of water goes a long way in keeping your mouth hydrated. For better results, you should sip water slowly and regularly the whole day. This prevents developing a stomach ache that sometimes occurs as a result of drinking a lot of water at once.

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Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol and chewing or smoking tobacco can accelerate dry mouth symptoms. Therefore, to prevent developing a dry mouth, you should avoid the usage of alcohol and tobacco.


Consider Alcohol Free Mouthwash

Many products, such as mouthwash, are made of alcohol which can accelerate the condition. We all understand that mouthwash plays a vital role in maintaining oral health, but it is prudent to consider the ingredients of the mouthwash. Instead of using mouthwashes made of alcohol, you should consider those that contain xylitol and betaine. These two compounds are potent in improving dry mouth, especially when it is a result of the side effects of medication.


Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

Although many individuals love a sugary snack, try to keep to gum that is sugar-free. Chewing sugar-free gum can stimulate the production of saliva, which may assist in keeping the mouth moist. In turn, this can avoid a dry mouth, and the lack of sugar poses no threat of tooth decay. 


Using A Humidifier

Using a humidifier works well for people who spend lots of time indoors. Since it is dry indoors, you may find that your dry mouth becomes more pronounced. The remedy to this is adding humidity to the air indoors as this helps to keep the air moist, thus avoiding a dry mouth.


Using Ginger

Ginger works wonders in preventing dry mouth. Ginger tea, sprays, and other products with ginger triggers salivary glands to increase saliva production.


See A Professional

When the signs of a dry mouth persist, it is an indication that you may need to visit your doctor or dentist such as the professionals at Putney Dental. Symptoms to look out for include altered taste, bad breath, difficulties in swallowing and chewing and a rough tongue.

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Overall, a dry mouth can be bothersome in your daily life and can create negative side effects such as bad breath. Fix your dry mouth as soon as possible by remembering these few tips.