There are a lot of options and branches of psychology, with various career paths students can choose from. Many would pursue further education in specific fields of psychology to become a licensed psychologist in different areas.

When you want to understand the broadness and depth of this subject, you need to look into the different branches! So what are the different fields future psychologists can take?

If you want to learn more about the different psychologists available for consultation and the like, read on! I’ll show you the ten major psychologists and their roles.

The Ten Different Types of Psychologists

Psychology is the study of the mind and behavior, with different branches to study different topics of interest in the field.

We can classify the subject of psychology in branches, depending on the setting we use it in and for what purpose. There are several studies and subjects under psychology because there is not one single study that can completely describe the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors!

With that said, these are the ten main types of psychologists and their roles:

  1. Educational Psychologist

Child psychologists focus on issues and different developmental stages which affect children and teenagers.

This is the scientific study of human behavior in educational settings, dealing with issues like adolescent behaviors, learning disorders, and other related areas.

  1. Biopsychology

Biopsychology is a branch of psychology which looks at the brain’s main roles, as well as how Neurotransmitters would take part in influencing the way we think, feel, and behave. This branch would combine both the suited of psychology and neuroscience.

  1. Clinical Psychologist

This is a treatment-oriented branch of psychology, dealing with scientific methods when handling psychological problems. It’s also known as psychotherapy or counseling psychology, focusing, preventing, understanding, and curing psychological issues through psych-therapeutic treatments.

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These psychologists would employ strategies such as interviewing patients, perform diagnostic tests, and provide individual, family, or group therapy. They will assess, diagnose, and then treat behavioral, emotional, and/or mental disorders.

  1. Experimental Psychologist

An experimental psychologist works to understand the underlying causes of various behaviors by studying animals and humans. They would usually work in laboratory environments and explore how different animals and species interrelate, investigating any evolutionary significance among behaviors.

  1. Cognitive Psychologist

This is another branch of psychology that deals with mental processes like memory, thoughts, and problem-solving. It’s concerned with the brain’s perceptions and problem-solving capabilities.

  1. Social Psychologist

Social psychology explores the characteristics related to adaptation, diplomacy, interdependence, social justice, and more. They are also known as critical psychology, where they would focus on the psychological aspects of people within community environments.

  1. Health Psychologist

Health psychology is another branch under science, which observes how biology, social context, and behavior would influence health and illnesses. These psychologists would usually work with other medical professionals in clinical settings.

They are also clinical psychologists that focus on the influence of psychology in health and wellness. Typically, they focus on specific areas such as nutrition, exercise, and the use of vices.

  1. Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychologists use their understanding of the human brain and behavior to aid in various legal contests. They may examine defendants’ behaviors before and during trials, usually working for local governments.

This is the application of the science to law enforcement and making, examining witnesses, and considering treatments for the criminal. It’s also known as legal psychology, and while similar to clinical and cognitive psychology, it requires a thorough understanding of laws within their country and area.

  1. Developmental Psychologist

This is a branch of psychology which tries to explain how humans develop over time. These psychologists would study the way people develop from babies until mature adults in a micro sense. In a macro sense, they also observe how culture evolves throughout the years and decades.

  1. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
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Another branch of psychology which addresses various problems in the workplace by applying psychological principles.

Industrial psychologists are also known as organizational psychologists, who are employed by companies to administer various tests that measure employees’ skills and aptitudes when hiring and placing them in the company. They will also use their understanding of human brain and behaviors to improve the work environment, relations, and productivity at work.

There are also many more different branches and types of psychologists to consider studying or seeing, such as:

  • Business psychologists who combine the science of human behavior and work environments for organizations and employees
  • Correctional facility psychologists who work with attorneys, caseworkers, and other staff for inmates’ behavior
  • Counseling psychologists who work with clients to face and self problems, focusing on specific issues and populations such as substance abuse or families
  • Criminal psychologists work closely with law agencies to evaluate offenders and create suspect profiles
  • Military psychologists are either members of military branches or a civilian, focus on mental illnesses and behavior issues that affect military staff

Regardless of what field you would like to enter in psychology, you will require at least a master’s or doctorate degree for it, after taking up a bachelor’s degree.

Wrapping It Up

Hopefully, this list on the different types of psychologists helped you out! For those who aspire to become a psychologist one day, look into any of these fields, and consider your options now.

Do you have any questions or want to share your experiences studying or working in specific fields of psychology? Share it in the comments section below, your thoughts are much appreciated!